ProFTP is a configurable FTP server available on most *nix platforms.

I recently had the need to get this working and authenticating off a PHP maintained MySQL backend, and this post is primarily to aid my own memory should I ever have to do it again.

Installing ProFTP

In order to use MySQL as a back end you need to install some packages. If you’re using a Debian based distro like Ubuntu, this is easy:

apt-get install mysql-server proftpd proftpd-mod-mysql

The database schema

Next, you need to install the database schema to store your users and passwords.

userid varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
passwd varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
uid int(11) default NULL,
gid int(11) default NULL,
homedir varchar(255) default NULL,
shell varchar(255) default NULL,
UNIQUE KEY uid (uid),
UNIQUE KEY userid (userid)

groupname varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
gid int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
members varchar(255) default NULL

One important thing to note here – that caused me a fair amount of hair pulling when I tried to use encrypted passwords – is that the password field shown in many howtos on the internet is much too short. This causes the hashed password to be quietly truncated by MySQL when saved.

This results in a somewhat misleading “No such user found” error to appear in the logs when using encrypted passwords.

To end all argument I’ve allowed passwords up to 128 chars, but this field could probably be a good deal shorter.

The user table looks much like /etc/passwd and is largely self explanatory. The uid & gid fields correspond to a system user in most cases, but since we’re using virtual users they can largely be ignored. Homedir points to a location which will serve as the user’s default directory. Shell is largely unused and can be set to /bin/false or similar.

Configuring ProFTP

Next, you need to make some changes to the ProFTP configuration files stored in /etc/proftpd. While doing this it is handy to run proftp in debug mode from the console:

proftpd -nd6


  1. Make sure the AuthOrder line looks like:

    AuthOrder mod_sql.c

  2. Ensure that the following line is uncommented:

    Include /etc/proftpd/sql.conf

  3. For belts and braces I’ve included the following at the end, although I’m not entirely sure it’s strictly required:

    <IfModule mod_auth_pam.c>
    AuthPAM off

  4. Our users don’t need a valid shell, so:

    RequireValidShell off


  1. Make sure the following lines are uncommented:

    LoadModule mod_sql.c
    LoadModule mod_sql_mysql.c


  1. Set your SQL backend and ensure that authentication is turned on:

    SQLBackend mysql
    SQLEngine on
    SQLAuthenticate on

  2. Tell proftp how passwords are stored. You have a number of options here, but since I was using mysql’s PASSWORD function, I’ll defer to the backend.

    SQLAuthTypes backend

  3. Tell proftp how to connect to your database by providing the required connection details, ensure that the user has full access to these tables.

    SQLConnectInfo database@host user password

  4. Define your table structure in the format tablename fields….

    SQLUserInfo users userid passwd uid gid homedir shell
    SQLGroupInfo groups groupname gid members

Adding users

I manage users from within a PHP web application that I’m developing, but in a nutshell adding FTP users from this point is a simple insert statement looking something like:

mysql_query("REPLACE INTO users
(userid, passwd, uid, gid, homedir, shell)
('$userid', PASSWORD('$password'), $uid, $gid, '$homedir', '$shell')");

Have fun!

This Christmas I finally bit the bullet and treated myself to a shiny XBox 360. Ostensibly this was so that I could experiment with console development, but mostly I have used it to play Gears of War.

In a slight departure from what I usually talk about, I thought I’d quickly jot down how I got the wireless controller to work with my Ubuntu XBMC media PC.

The wireless controller provides a slightly more usable remote than my iPhone (which must first be unlocked making quick pauses impossible) or rather flaky wireless keyboard, so hopefully this will be useful to someone.

Getting started

My media PC currently runs Ubuntu Karmic with XBMC. To begin with you will need to install the XBox kernel driver (already installed on Karmic).

Most importantly however, you will need to get yourself a XBox wireless gaming receiver for Windows – which I got included with my second controller. Xbox controllers do not use standard bluetooth, so you can’t just pair in the normal way using your existing hardware.

This howto has some more info

Configuring XBMC

Assuming you have your module installed and controller paired you will need to tell XBMC about it by configuring a keyfile:

  1. I used this keyfile as a starting point. Download and save it as ~/.xbmc/userdata/keymaps/Keymap.xml (note case).
  2. Find out what your computer thinks the controller is by looking at the output from: cat /proc/bus/input/devices – you want a "Name" that says something like "Xbox 360 Wireless Receiver"
  3. Replace all occurrences of "Microsoft Xbox Controller S" with this value.

At this point if you start XBMC it should respond to the controller. If you are lucky this is all you will have to do, however for me I had to mess around with the key bindings a bit since the example keymap file didn’t match my controller exactly.

If this happens to you there’s not much I can suggest other than to bind one key at a time, restart XBMC and see what button that maps to then repeat until all your keys are mapped. I’m sure there must be an easier way that I’ve overlooked, feel free to comment below!

For what it’s worth, here is my modified (but somewhat incomplete) key file which has largely sensible bindings. Hack away to get it working how you like.

» Modified Keymap

Image “XBMC” by Miskan