When you paste a link into Known, if it’s something like a youtube video (or Soundcloud or Gist if you use my plugins), it’ll attempt to expand the link into a displayable embed code.

Trouble is, when you used a link shortening plugin, this url was changed and the display got broken.

I have submitted a patch upstream which modifies the link display code with a hook which a link shortening tool can listen to, and expand links where appropriate.

When you apply this patch, the latest version of the bitly link shortening plugin will be able to expand links within a post, caching them against the object for future reference.

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I have previously introduced a plugin that adds Bit.ly link shortening capabilities to the Known sharing tool.

I just wanted to post a quick update to note that I have now added full OAuth2 support to the plugin.

Previously, integration was provided by the Generic Access Token, which meant that you could only have one Bit.ly account associated with an install. With OAuth2, each user on a given Known site will be able to link to their own bit.ly accounts (with their own vanity urls if they wish).

Pretty neat!

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So, Known lets you share links via a share API (and a toolbar bookmarklet). In the later versions of it, this action also calls a link shorten event hook which allows a plugin to shorten the shared URL.

Because I often share links, I wrote a quick plugin to hook into my bit.ly domain.

Using the plugin

Install and activate the plugin in the usual way, and then in your admin panel add your generic access token to the input box on the bitly page. Generate this token from your bitly settings page.

Currently you can only have one domain per Idno install, basically because I was short of time and so didn’t do the full OAuth thing.

So much to do, and so little time. Have fun!

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