Just a quick note here primarily for my own reference, but also hopefully to save anyone else the faff of getting this set up.

In the arms race between Eclipse and Netbeans, it is Netbeans which seems to have jumped ahead in terms of usability and stability. Unfortunately it does not have Trac integration, forcing you to use the web interface (and as I’ve previously remarked, pretty much all bug trackers are only worth using if you use an API interface).

Cubeon provides Trac support, however it has a real problem with self signed certificates when using SSL. Using their faq over here provides only part of the solution if you happen to be using multiple virtual hosts over SSL.

The gotcha is that only one SSL certificate can be served per IP address/Port combination, and the default one generated by Debian’s setup scripts is for localhost only. In my case I had multiple subdomains of my main site and I could not bind a certificate to a specific vhost to the exclusion of all others.

My solution:

  • Generate a self signed certificate for the server and install it on your vhosts, but when you’re asked for you Common Name enter a wildcard – so instead of www.example.com enter *.example.com.
  • Download and install this certificate in your local keystore, as explained in the faq. Replace <your-server-alias-here> with the address of the Trac server under the wildcard domain e.g. trac.example.com
  • Set up a Trac repo in cubeon, be sure to disable ssl verification (which would otherwise complain about the self signed cert)

Simples, YMMV.