Another quick update, I have added support for password grants to the Known OAuth2 server.

Logging in using a username and password is exactly the sort of thing that OAuth2 was developed to avoid, however support for the password grant is a handy thing to have.

For a start, it makes it a lot easier to use the API via a command line application, or to present a familiar UX for people using a custom Known client (e.g. a mobile app).

Having password grant support will also allow us to deprecate the built in HTTP Header authentication method. This method is simple, and works well enough, but it is far from being a standard, and so requires people to write their own libraries to use it!

Using OAuth will also let those clients make use of OpenID connect, and the future federation stuff I hope to get time to build one of these days.

Anyway, hope this is useful to you!

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Postman is a pretty neat tool that gives you a very nice way develop, document and test APIs.

In my day job I’ve been using this to develop some pretty extensive GraphQL based micro service APIs, document them, and share them with scientists around the world. Postman made this really easy, so I’ve started putting together a similar collection to demonstrate the Known API.

It’s early days right now, but it demonstrates the basics, such as:

  • Getting a feed
  • Getting post types available
  • Getting logged in user details
  • Creating a Status, Photo upload and blog post
  • Getting the syndication options available for each type

All of these APIs are authenticated against the OAuth2 Server that’s built in to Known, and Postman will happily manage this exchange for you once you’ve set up your local environment.

You should be able to use these calls to build your own clients, and indeed, it’s these API calls that my Known IOS client makes use of.

Anyway, take a look!

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