A heads up to those who are following Known GitHub HEAD!

I’ve just merged a change to Known core that makes a significant change to Known’s *sql core (mysql and Postgres). This change splits the metadata table into one metadata table per collection.

This simplifies the data model, which makes certain stuff easier going forward (import/export, GraphQL APIs etc). It also means we can leverage the DBMS in order to maintain data integrity.

This is a significant change, so it goes without saying that you need to BACK UP YOUR DATABASE BEFORE UPGRADING!

Sessions are, in many bits of web software, used to store the details of the currently logged in user, and to provide the concept of a user being logged in and logged out. Known is no exception in this.

These sessions need to be stored, in some way, on the server. Usually this is either stored in files, or in a database.

Known currently has the ability to store sessions in the currently enabled database engine (Mysql, mongo etc), or in files. However, for various reasons (e.g. you want to use a different database engine to store sessions, or you want to implement a fancy session store), it would be useful to decouple the sessions from the database.

This pull request adds the ability to specify, in your config.ini, a handler class implementing the Idno\Common\SessionStorageInterface interface.

This new class can then implement a session handler which uses a different storage engine, other than just files and the current database.

The other week, I wrote about introducing SQLite support to Known.

Seemingly, I was on a role, and because a client asked me to look in to Postgres support for a separate project, I thought I’d have a crack at implementing support for Known, which I’m glad has been merged in.

This turns out to have been useful to a bunch of folk, for which I am glad.


Postgres support is still in Beta, and MySQL is still the recommended database engine, so currently installation is a bit of a manual process.

First, you need to make sure you’ve got Postgres support built in to PHP:

apt-get install php5-pgsql
php5enmod pgsql

Then, you need to modify your config.ini

database = 'Postgres'
dbname = 'dbname'
dbpass = 'password'
dbuser = 'username'
dbhost = 'hostname'

filesystem = 'local'
uploadpath = '/path/to/upload_directory/

Once you’ve done that, you need to install the schema, which currently needs to be done from the command line.

psql -c 'create database ;' -U 
psql -U  -d  -a -f schemas/postgres/postgres.sql

Assuming you got no errors, you should now be good to go!