A few months ago I wrote a bit about extending your Known plugins to support console functionality. I’ve recently pushed a patch which will make this functionality even more useful.

Previously, you could only have one console command available to your regular Known plugin, this was of course limiting. Now, you can have multiple!

Create a directory Console within your plugin’s home directory. Then fill it with one or more classes, which extend \Idno\Common\ConsolePlugin, one for each command you want to export. The format of this is exactly the same as those for any other console plugin.


The Known framework has the ability to execute commands from the console, which is kind of cool and enables, among other things, stuff like these console development tools.

You can see what commands are currently available by going to the console, navigate to your Known directory, and execute ./known.php.

The commands available can be added to in two ways…

Create a pure console plugin

If you look in ConsolePlugins you’ll see a plugin called Example, which probably tells you all you need to know.. but in summary:

  • Create a subdirectory for your plugin in ConsolePlugins (or at least copy/symlink it there later)
  • Create a Main.php file, containing a class called Main which extends the class \Idno\Common\ConsolePlugin
  • Implement the abstract methods:
    • getCommand() the command name you are providing
    • getDescription() the description of the command
    • getParameters() a method returning an array of the command’s parameters
    • execute() your actual code

And you’re done!

Add a console plugin to a regular Known plugin

If you’re using the most recent build of Known from github, you can also add a console command to an existing traditional Known plugin (i.e. those sitting in IdnoPlugins/*). To do this, create a class called ConsoleMain that extends \Idno\Common\ConsolePlugin and save it in a file called ConsoleMain.php sitting along side your regular Main.php.

Known comes bundled with a Firefox plugin that, using Mozilla’s Social API, allows you to add a Known share/reply button to your browser.

This is pretty cool, but sadly only works for Firefox.

While other browsers, including Chrome, can use the bookmarklet to access the same functionality, this is rather clunky – for one thing, Chrome’s bookmark bar is hidden by default, for another Chrome has an extensive API and it’d be a shame not to use it!

A Chrome plugin for your site

So, I had a go at putting together a Chrome plugin… partly to scratch this itch, but also to learn how to write Chrome extensions (which turns out to be fabulously easy).

Install and activate the plugin, then go to your settings page to download a chrome extension which has been customised to your site.

Go to your Settings -> Extensions page, and then drag the archive into the list; all being well, you’ll have a new icon next to your address bar!

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