A little while ago I introduced you to some command line tools for talking to your Known site.

So, using this, I put together a very quick hack that lets you tweet, via your known site, from the Unix command line.

Because, that’s how I roll.

In .bashrc I added the following:

alias tweet='status.sh https://mysite.com USERNAME APIKEY twitter::TWITTERUSER'

Assuming status.sh is on your path, when you type tweet it’ll let you write a single line of text which will be sent to your Known site and syndicated elsewhere.

Note, due to this bug, you’ll need to be running the latest version of Known for this to work!

Just a quick post to bring you an update on the email posting support for Idno.

The email posting plugin is a handy plugin that allows you to make posts to your Idno site via email. Unfortunately, since the way POSSE syndication buttons worked was changed a little while ago, it hasn’t been possible to post out to your silo followers in twitter/facebook/etc.

No longer! Now, you are able to specify a syndication destination by putting one or more pipe tags in the email subject line (these will be removed from the post). So, for example to post to twitter, you’d use the “|” (pipe) character before the service, and add a |twitter to the subject line.

Have fun!

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opengraphlogo So, I needed a simple open graph library for a project. There are other libraries, but I just needed something simple and quick, so I bashed this library together.

The library contains a class with a single static function, you pass it some page contents, and it’ll spit back a key => value array containing any open graph entries in the page.

This was handy for me, it might be for you 🙂

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