I have previously introduced a plugin that adds Bit.ly link shortening capabilities to the Known sharing tool.

I just wanted to post a quick update to note that I have now added full OAuth2 support to the plugin.

Previously, integration was provided by the Generic Access Token, which meant that you could only have one Bit.ly account associated with an install. With OAuth2, each user on a given Known site will be able to link to their own bit.ly accounts (with their own vanity urls if they wish).

Pretty neat!

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LinkedIn-Logo-02I was doing some work on a client website the other day, when the OAuth login code I was using to provide “log in via linkedin” support inexplicably stopped working. It would seem that linkedin had a (temporary) problem with their OAuth1 api.

A quick google, and I found that LinkedIn’s OAuth 1 api has been superseded, and I feared that it had finally been switched off. Since there was no word from LinkedIn, and I needed to get functionality working for my client, I rewrote the connector.

This plugin provides “Login via LinkedIn” functionality to Elgg 1.8, enjoy!

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