class-act Gist is a handy tool that allows you to save version controlled short snippets of code, and even cooler, to embed that code elsewhere.

Idno will automatically display embed code for certain links (images and youtube videos for example), so I thought it’d be cool if you could do this with gist links as well.

So I wrote a plugin. Enjoy!

» Visit the project on Github…

LinkedIn-Logo-02I was doing some work on a client website the other day, when the OAuth login code I was using to provide “log in via linkedin” support inexplicably stopped working. It would seem that linkedin had a (temporary) problem with their OAuth1 api.

A quick google, and I found that LinkedIn’s OAuth 1 api has been superseded, and I feared that it had finally been switched off. Since there was no word from LinkedIn, and I needed to get functionality working for my client, I rewrote the connector.

This plugin provides “Login via LinkedIn” functionality to Elgg 1.8, enjoy!

» Visit the project on Github…

Current-Cost This is just a quick note to spotlight the fact that Home.API now has native support for the Current Cost EnviR smartmeter.

Setting it up

Check out the latest version of Home.API from the Github repository, and then attach the plugin to an endpoint by adding a definition to a .conf file in your def directory. E.g.

# Current cost envir
     class \power\smartmeters\CurrentCostEnviR

This will install the plugin using the default parameters, but you can override these by specifying them in your definition. Available parameters are:

  • port, which defaults to '/dev/ttyUSB0'
  • baud, the baud rate to connect to, defaulting to 57600
  • timeout, defaulting to 10 seconds.

Your Current cost meter should be connected to the same machine as your Home.API install, and the web server user granted access to the comm port the device is connected to.

Exposed API

Once you have enabled the Current Cost plugin, you should see a new entry appear on your Home.API dashboard which gives a quick summary of the information retrieved from the device. It also makes available a number of functions which you can query at your endpoint (http://home.api/api/path/to/endpoint/), and these are:

  • time.json: Retrieve the time from the device.
  • temp.json: Retrieve the temperature from the device.
  • power.json: Retrieve the power in watts from the device.
  • latest.json: Retrieve all of the above at once, and return them as an array.

Visit the endpoint in your browser and see it working!